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Reach out to us. Münzen will help you navigate the world of crypto
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Münzen Widget is an easy-to-use tool that allows you to buy 7+ cryptocurrencies with a bank card in just five minutes. KYC-free on the first transfer under 100 EUR.
For your customers’ first transaction under 100 EUR, we won’t ask for any proof of identity. This means they can try out our service without any interference.
We've made it easy to start accepting cryptocurrencies with just a few lines of code.
Vice President of Product
Chief Operating Officer
Chief Marketing Officer
+18 more
Something still unclear? Here are the answers to our most commonly asked questions.
The Munzen Widget supports 9 cryptocurrencies, and we have plans to add more over time.
No, as a merchant you will not pay any fees for accepting cryptocurrencies.
Cryptocurrency payments are typically treated as regular income, but you will need to check with your local tax office before accepting cryptocurrency payments.
Providing our KYB processor is satisfied with your documentation, you should be up and running in under half an hour.
Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Please chat to our friendly team.
Talk to teamReach out to us. Münzen will help you navigate the world of crypto